Does losing things drive you mad?

ImageIt does. Makes me get so irritated and twitchy that iWoz has wondered many a times whether I suffer from some kind of neurological disorder. He on the other hand has a very easy way of dealing with it. He just forgets about it. According to him the thing automatically reappears after a day or two.. Sometimes a week or maybe a month. And yes, if you don’t find it in eons, it was not meant to be, so accept it. This is one of the few occasions living with him, when I feel like tearing my hair apart. I am searching for it because I need it NOW and if I could wait for it to ‘reappear’, I wouldn’t be acting like my tail was on fire. Not that I have one. So why, this rant about losing things? Today morning I found out that my Bluetooth device was missing. I spend a lot of time on the phone and without it I end up with terrible neck pain balancing my phone between my neck and shoulder and sort of making a very sorry excuse of housework. The rest of the day I walk around with my head held like the leaning tower of Pisa. I have no idea why I need to do something when I talk on the phone. I get paranoid thinking about all the time wasted. And I know by now you are thinking hasn’t she heard of earphones? To all the earphone lovers, do not get offended. But it is just not for me.I am not cool about two loose wires hanging from my ears and those things never seem to fit into my ears. Half of the time I am trying to plug my ears with them and the other half I am trying to do housework with one hand.

Searching for my Bluetooth was as usual.I turned the room upside down then I find all the things which play crucial roles in our life -an old sock,a mouse which is stuck at the right-click button, thousands of wires and chargers of who knows what and so on except the Bluetooth device.And ZK thinks this is the best time to bug me with his US snaps on Watsapp.His company sent him to the United States of America and if that alone was not enough they gave him business class tickets.That should be made illegal.I think I should uninstall Watsapp for a few days.What?I know he is my best friend and I should be happy for him.I do feel happy when good things happen to him but I draw the line at fully-paid-business- class-abroad-trips.

Back to my boring life of searching mundane things only to find and then, lose it again in a matter of hours. This time, I decided to have a strategic approach with a question answer session torturing the little used memory cells of my brain-
When did I use it last? Did iWoz take it?
Where was I the last time I used it?
And then suddenly lightning flashes in my teeny tiny brain and I have a eureka moment. Flashback-I was lying in the bed talking to mom over the phone and trying to reach for the pack of chips on the side table without moving my body just by stretching my hands and when I finally got hold of it, yanked so hard to open it that my Bluetooth flew off my ear(defies physics though). A quick search under the bed and I have my Bluetooth device.

When iWoz came back from work I was in a jolly mood for two reasons-my uncanny skill to solve mysteries behind missing things and that he was there to help me clean up the room that looked like the remains of a natural disaster.Out of the blue,he asked for our passports and my poor brain zoomed into overdrive thinking of a lovely holiday in an exotic location and me sipping tender coconut water wearing a huge hat.I was cruelly brought back to reality by him saying it was just for renewing my visa that’s about to expire.I made monkey faces and walked to the drawer,opened it only to find our passports weren’t there.I clearly remember I had kept them in there.I had,didn’t I?or…did I?Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh! It does not take much to figure out that my screaming was an official announcement that our passports decided to go into hiding. I am tempted to wait till they ‘reappear’. Cannot stress my brain at such short intervals of time. One thing missing for a day is enough in the UR household. Sadly my visa expires in 4 days.All right! I can do this.

When did I use it last?
Did iWoz take it?
Where was I the last time I used it?-Blank-
*passes out*

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